Braced with essential chemical components, cannabinoids trigger the receptor cells in our body and bring about a variety of effects concerning our physical and mental strength. Until now, the most prominent cannabinoids are THC and CBD. Recently, a new cannabinoid, Delta-8 THC, has become the center of attention among cannabis users and is spreading around the web like a wildfire.
Tetra-Hydro-Cannabinol, or Delta-8 THC, is found naturally in marijuana and hemp. Being an isomer of CBD and D-9 THC, it can be produced by converting by both compounds with the help of chemical reactions, different pH environments, diluters, or catalytic agents.
Additionally, this highly viscous and activated oil (Delta-8 THC) does not need to be carboxylated to yield its effects.
The origin of Delta-8 THC
You must be wondering when Delta-8 THC was discovered, and how?
Back in 1941, a group of researchers from the University of Illinois carried out the partial synthesis of cannabinoids and studied their effects in the following year among human volunteers with oral dosing. By 1970, researchers were able to carry out complete synthesis of D-8 THC. From pain relief to appetite control, now people use D-8 THC to encounter a number of illnesses in a more natural way.
Delta-8 THC Vs. Delta-9 THC
There are some apparent differences between these two THC-based compounds. Let’s get into them to know how Delta-8 THC is a clear winner!
Firstly, Delta-8 THC produces the same effects as Delta-9 THC but does not let the side-effects hit the user. It’s a winning situation for all the users who find THC’s side effects quite challenging but can’t eliminate its use.
The side effects of THC include anxiety and paranoia. Imagine you can experience the exclusive benefits of THC keeping these two monsters at bay (Oh! It looks like that ultimate high feeling gotcha occupied!)
The difference between binding with brain receptors
Although both D-9 THC and D-8 THC bind with CB1 receptors of the brain, D-8 THC tends to be less potent but more steady. Moreover, D-8 THC has a lesser affinity towards CB1 receptors. Hence, the effects are milder but comparatively long-lasting.
The difference among composition in Cannabis plant
The Cannabis plant has high quantities of D-9 THC and lower levels of Delta-8 THC. That’s why D-8 THC is mostly synthesized or extracted.
The science-based shreds of evidence that prove the benefits of Delta-8 THC
- Reduced pain and inflammation
Being an ideal treatment for pain and inflammation, Delta-8 THC supports a massive segment of CBD users.
The research published in the journal of Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research claims that Delta-8 THC lowered the pain and inflammation in mice when applied topically (on the skin). The effect comes up as soon as the D-8 THC triggers CB1 receptors.
- Increased food consumption
Delta-8 THC tends to increase your appetite. If you are among those folks who suffer big time because they don’t feel hungry, D-8 THC will do the work for you.
The research shows how mice who went through a weight loss routine began to feel hungry after getting induced with a minor dose of Delta-8 THC.
- Increased cognitive function
With Delta-8 THC, you can empower your cognitive functions. The research claims that D-8 THC proved to be a harmless chemical agent to boost the cognitive processes of mice.
- Reduced nausea
I know how nausea can ruin things for you. That anxious feeling of doing vomit at any second won’t just let you relax but built up the anxiety up to your throat. Delta-8 THC is found to be helpful in scenarios where nausea takes up the control. The research shows how this chemical compound helped cancer patients with extreme nausea with no potential side effects.
- Enhances Acetylcholine production
As soon as D-8 THC enters your blood-stream, it tends to increase the levels of Acetylcholine neurotransmitter. This subtle shift helps with a happy mood, boosted motivation, and a sense of relaxation.
With user experiences, we get to know that Delta-8 THC helps with stress, anxiety, negative emotional transitions, and depression. So next time you are failing at beating these negativities, Delta-8 will conquer the fight for you. It promises to be a perfect alternative to other hemp products because it leaves behind the anxiety and paranoia that hemp products usually produce as side effects.
Is Delta-8 THC legal to use?
Delta-8 THC became legal when the United States Farm Bill was signed in 2018. As soon as it became legal, vendors started marketing its products as more stable and less potent alternatives to other hemp products. Delta-8 THC is not federally legal, and until today, a few states have banned its use. These states are:
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Delaware
- Idaho
- Lowa
- Mississippi
- Montana
- Rhode Island
- Utah
Note: According to DEA, any product using hemp plant’s extracts should possess less than 0.3 of THC in its entire chemical makeup.
Who can use Delta-8 THC?
Delta-8 THC is best for those who love to use CBD. It is an ideal middle ground to enjoy the controlled high where they are conscious enough for their motor and cognitive functions and get the ultimate benefits of CBD.
After a continuous customer demand for Delta-8 THC, Divine is all set to serve the exclusive range of its exclusive products.
Shop Premium Quality Delta-8 THC products from Divine Botanicals Today!
I know CBD users find it difficult to trust the vendors who are selling THC-based products. At Divine Botanicals, your fear of getting into trouble will find its way back as soon as you experience the natural hit with our D-8 products.
Our lab-tested reports and legal products are what you need to fight all your discomforts and enjoy the luxury of premium THC products.
At Divine Botanicals, we sell refined, organic, and long-lasting products to make your life full of comforts. The semi-sedative effects and safe usage will let you choose Divine for all your THC needs; that is our promise!
The post-Covid-19 period demands more caution and safety practices. At Divine, we make sure that our products are sanitized before sending them for shipping and are packed in air-tight packaging.
Make sure you keep the product at room temperature in a vertical position. Direct sunlight should not reach the products, so be mindful of it.
Safety Precautions for Delta-8 THC Users
It is highly recommended to practice these precautionary measures before you use Delta-8 THC products:
- Never take higher doses of Delta-8 THC if you are a new user. Lower doses are ideal for amateurs, and you can gradually increase the amounts depending upon your need.
- It is recommended not to vape or inhale THC-based products for more than 3 seconds. You may fall into adverse outcomes, and we would never want that to happen.
- Do not use our products during tasks that demand efficient focus or recurrent motor activities – like driving and operating other technical equipment. `
So shop your next favorite and life-changing Delta-8 THC product from Divine Botanicals and enjoy the stress-free and reviving experience!
THC DISCLAIMER: Products on this site contain a value of 0.3% or less
Warning: This product has not been approved by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, prevent or cure any condition or disease. This product should not be used by women who are pregnant or breast feeding. Not to be used while operating a motor vehicle or machinery. By using this product you agree to our terms of service and that you are at least 21+ years of age. Always consult a doctor before utilization any new supplement or botanical product.