Divine Botanicals (Ketum LLC) prioritizes customer satisfaction over the world. We are more than happy to address any concerns or complaints our customers might have.
Although this is highly unlikely with Divine Botanicals, however, while shopping online, there may be instances where you’re delivered the wrong product. In that case, we bear full consequences and immediately replace the product with the correct order within 5 to 10 working days.
To further convince you of the fact that customer satisfaction remains our top concern at all times, we’ve drafted a user-friendly return policy that sits conveniently with our customers. We make your online shopping experience a whole lot better by making reasonable compensations in case of mishaps at any end. Below are the terms and conditions of our return and refund policy.
Our return policy includes:
- You can return the product within 30 days of receiving the order for a full refund.
- To be eligible for a refund, the product has to be unused, unopened, and unsealed.
- The shipping for the product sent back to us for a refund has to be covered by you.
- In case the product you receive is damaged or incorrect, we will offer a full refund and also cover the shipping cost.
- You will only be given a full refund if the product returned is deemed damaged or incorrect by our personnel who will scrutinize the product and your problem with it at length. In case we find that your request for a refund is invalid and unreasonable, we will not be subject to any refunds to you whatsoever.
Our return address: Our return address: 17326 Falda Ave Torrance CA 90504.
You can expect a full refund of the unopened product within four weeks of the return shipment. The period includes
- 5 to 10 business days for the return shipment
- 3 to 5 business days for us to process your request
- 5 to 10 days business days for the bank to process the refund request
However, you may receive your money much quicker in most cases. This totally depends on your area of residence and the state you’re located in.
If you do not receive your refund within two weeks, you may contact us for the discrepancy.
For further queries and questions, email us at info@buydivinebotanicals.com or contact us on 818-940-1358.